
A few sweet spotlights on some of my favorite art projects

Fruit Finder

BFA Senior Capstone Project: Fruit Finder is a three part matching game activity set: a set of matching cards, a mobile app version of the game (in development), and a sticker set.

The goal is to provide a fun and exciting learning experience to kids about fruit. The primary audience is for younger kids, roughly early elementary school age, but could be used by an older audience as well. Some kids can be picky eaters, this game will try to get kids more excited about eating fruit.


Introductory Metals course projects included bookmark, broach, & ring.

Displayed: Broach, misc. metal

Minecraft Sword

Hot wire cutter on FOAMULAR, Blick acrylic paint


Chosen from 100+ submissions to host sculpture in the 2015 Art Foundations Juried Exhibition

Spray paint on wood

Music Cabinet

Laser etched in wood